Kendall's Garden is located north of Greensboro next to the Haw River. We are going into our third season and are excited about providing the community with organically grown produce! We are firm believers that one's health is directly related to the quality and purity of the food and water consumed. Therefore, growing high-quality vegetables is "Kendall's Garden" top priority.

Picked and Delivered the Same Day

Organically Grown

Delivered Right to Your Door

Support Local Farmers
Kendall Dobbins
Kendall graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) with a degree in marketing from the Bryan School of Business. Kendall was a D1 student-athlete and graduated with academic honors, which prepared her for developing and running a business.
While playing on the UNCG Women's Golf team Kendall realized her love for the outdoors, so it was a natural fit to expand and grow the family farm. Kendall is no stranger to working in the dirt, and with being a golfer, she sees a little sand from time-to-time.
Her goal is to focus on growing quality organic produce. Kendall is a firm believer that one's health is directly related to the quality of their diet, "you are what you eat!" Therefore, growing high-quality organic food is Kendall's top priority. Kendall's Garden will bring fresh organically grown produce to the people of North Carolina.
Kenneth Dobbins
(Pop-Pop Dobbins)
Pop-Pop Dobbins was born in September 1937 just before the start of World War II. He poses a tremendous amount of in-depth knowledge on many subjects, which can be only acquired through repetition and hard work.
Pop-Pop spent his childhood in Charlotte County Virginia in a farming community. He had 9 siblings, so farming was a way of life for him and his family to survive. He and his brothers and sisters worked long hours gardening, milking cows, putting up hay, cutting firewood, slaughtering livestock, harvesting, and canning vegetables. Self-sufficiency and reliance were key to successfully running a family farm during the early and mid-1900s.
Pop-Pop moved to North Carolina in 1957 to start his own family. He acquired a trade degree in diesel mechanics and welding, which allowed him an opportunity to work in the logistics industry rebuilding diesel engines and welding for a major truck carrier. While working full-time, he continued to do what he loved most, farming. Pop-Pop has always maintained his farming roots growing vegetables, canning, and raising livestock to feed the family and community.
At 84 years young, Pop-Pop Dobbins rises with the sun to do farm chores, which are always changing based on the season and need. Today he may be welding farm equipment for a neighbor and tomorrow raking and baling hay. Pop-Pop Dobbins is like a stream, always in motion!

Ken Dobbins
A versatile professional with over 35 years of experience in cross-channel marketing, marketing research, and logistics. Ken started his professional career in 1984, immediately after graduating Elon University (previously Elon College).
Before entering corporate America, Ken farmed with his father growing vegetables, corn, tobacco, and other row crops. Earnings from farming assisted in paying for his college education. immediately after graduating from college Ken worked in corporate America but continued farming.
Today Ken is still farming but continues to work outside the farm to support the family and business. Ken's real passion is to "better the land and environment" through sustainable agriculture practices. Ken is a strong believer in being a good steward of natural resources. His goal is leave the environment in better shape by building and maintaining healthy soil, managing water wisely, and promoting biodiversity.